Frontpage - Parking Energy

Welcome to the future of EV charging.

Electric vehicle charging system from Finland

We offer an easy-to-use and scalable charging solution for

housing companies, offices, larger facilities, and public charging.

PRODUCTS    Contact us

Housing Companies

An easy, cost-effective, and sensible solution that allows housing companies to effortlessly offer electric vehicle charging to every resident.


Housing Companies

Workplace Charging

The number of electric vehicles is steadily increasing. The ability to charge an electric vehicle during the workday is an advantage that many employees appreciate. In addition to employees, customers and guests also need charging points.

Workplace Charging

Property Owners

Installing electric vehicle charging points in a company’s parking area enhances the property’s appeal, increases rental income, and raises the property’s value.


Property Owners

Easy, affordable and scalable

With Parking Energy’s solution, electric vehicle charging systems are made effortlessly available for housing companies, businesses and property owners.

1. Easy ordering

The customer orders the charging readiness and installation of charging stations from a Parking Energy reseller for the agreed location.

An operation agreement is made with the company of your choice that provides operation services (OCPP).

2. Quick installation

A Parking Energy reseller contractor will install new cabling if necessary.

After this, Parking Energy quick connectors are installed at the parking spaces, making them ready for charging devices.

Installing the charging device into the quick connector takes less than 2 minutes.

3. Hassle-Free Use

The charging point operation service enables the measurement and billing of consumed electricity by the designated party (e.g., the parking space user).

The chosen operation service is responsible for the functionality of the charging points and arranges maintenance on-site if needed.


Benefits of a charging system


Parking Energy’s connector system scales easily according to demand.

  • There is no need to know the future usage needs in advance
  • Adaptable solution as charging technology develops


Our solution, based on charging readiness, is more cost-effective than the traditional cabling solution and its ready charging points.

  • It is usually possible to use already existing cables and outdoor electrical outlets.
  • Targeting costs is easier between different parties.

Easy to use

CPO services of our partners include everything you need: charging station delivery, invoicing, repair and maintenance.

  • User-specific identification and invoicing of electricity used.
  • Automatic compensation for the property administrator.
  • Management works the same way in different types of use cases.