Information - Parking Energy

Parking Energy as a company

Parking Energy is a Finnish high-growth company founded in 2014 that produces electric vehicle charging services. Through our operations, we promote the green transition of transportation.

Our comprehensive charging solution can be easily and cost-effectively tailored to suit the needs of housing companies, residents, and businesses. The smart connector technology and scalable service model that we have developed ensure that our customers always have a charging point available that makes use of the latest technology and that is always remotely monitored.

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Information and guides for charging electric vehicles

Here, you will find free Parking Energy guides and information on the charging of electric vehicles.

Guide for electrical design engineers

The guide includes information related to the design and installation phases of the charging system for electrical design engineers and contractors.

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Guide for builders

The guide includes comprehensive information for construction companies and builders on parking area charging solutions and our service model for the needs of residential properties and offices.

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Brochure for housing companies

A comprehensive information package about our scalable electric vehicle charging service for housing companies and properties.

Download Brochure

Frequently asked questions

We have compiled the most frequently asked questions about Parking Energy’s service model and electric vehicle charging solution for drivers, housing companies and businesses.

If you cannot find an answer to your question, please contact our customer service.

See Questions

Electric vehicle charging devices

Parking Energy has a comprehensive range of various electric vehicle charging devices for the different needs of properties and users. Our unique connector system makes the quick and cost-effective installation and maintenance of charging devices possible.

Devices of different power and even different manufacturers can be connected to the same charging system, and they all work together seamlessly.

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Award-winning connector system

With the help of connectors, we ensure the charging readiness of parking spaces already during the installation phase. Installing the charging device itself to the connector takes mere minutes. Charging devices can be added or removed according to need at any time. The connector keeps the charging readiness up to date, without the commitment to devices which will become obsolete.

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Read more about charging electric vehicles